使用Console Template


为了简化这些问题Prometheus内置了一个简单的解决方案Console Template,它允许用户通过Go模板语言创建任意的控制台界面,并且通过Prometheus Server对外提供访问路径。


首先我们先从一个小例子开始,创建我们的第一个Console Template页面。与Console Template有关的两个启动参数为--web.console.libraries--web.console.templates,其分别指定页面组件以及页面的存储路径。默认情况下其分别指向Prometheus当前安装路径的console_librariesconsoles目录。







{{template "head" .}}



head组件的定义,读者可以通过关键字define "head"在console_libraries目录中查找。默认其应该是定义在prom.lib文件中:

{{ define "head" }}
{{ template "prom_console_head" }}
{{ template "navbar" . }}
{{ end }}

如果需要定制化菜单的内容,那一样的读者只需要找到navbar组件的定义即可。当然用户也可以创建自己的组件。 例如,如果我们希望Console Template页面的菜单与Prometheus UI一致,只需要修改navbar组件的定义即可,找到menu.lib并修改navbar组件:

{{ define "navbar" }}
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top">
  <div class="container-fluid">
    <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ pathPrefix }}/">Prometheus</a>

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        <li><a href="{{ pathPrefix }}/alerts">Alerts</a></li>
        <li><a href="{{ pathPrefix }}/graph">Graph</a></li>
{{ end }}

如果不需要侧边菜单栏,直接在head组件中移除{{ template "menu" . }}部分即可,修改后刷新页面,如下所示:


无论是.lib文件还是.html文件均使用了Go Template的语言,感兴趣的读者可以自行在Go语言官网了解更多内容https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/


在Console Template中我们可以在页面中使用内置的PromConsole.Graph()函数,该函数通过head加载相应的js源码,在该函数中,通过指定特定的DOM节点以及相应的PromQL表达式,即可在特定区域图形化显示相应的图表内容,如下所示:

<h1>Prometheus HTTP Request Rate</h1>

<div id="queryGraph"></div>
new PromConsole.Graph({
  node: document.querySelector("#queryGraph"),
  expr: "sum(rate(prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds_count{job='prometheus'}[5m]))",
  name: "Queries",
  yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
  yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
  yUnits: "/s",
  yTitle: "Queries"



参数名称 作用
expr Required. Expression to graph. Can be a list.
node Required. DOM node to render into.
duration Optional. Duration of the graph. Defaults to 1 hour.
endTime Optional. Unixtime the graph ends at. Defaults to now.
width Optional. Width of the graph, excluding titles. Defaults to auto-detection.
height Optional. Height of the graph, excluding titles and legends. Defaults to 200 pixels.
min Optional. Minimum x-axis value. Defaults to lowest data value.
max Optional. Maximum y-axis value. Defaults to highest data value.
renderer Optional. Type of graph. Options are line and area (stacked graph). Defaults to line.
name Optional. Title of plots in legend and hover detail. If passed a string, [[ label ]] will be substituted with the label value. If passed a function, it will be passed a map of labels and should return the name as a string. Can be a list.
xTitle Optional. Title of the x-axis. Defaults to Time.
yUnits Optional. Units of the y-axis. Defaults to empty.
yTitle Optional. Title of the y-axis. Defaults to empty.
yAxisFormatter Optional. Number formatter for the y-axis. Defaults to PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize.
yHoverFormatter Optional. Number formatter for the hover detail. Defaults to PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeExact.
colorScheme Optional. Color scheme to be used by the plots. Can be either a list of hex color codes or one of the color scheme names supported by Rickshaw. Defaults to 'colorwheel'.


除了直接使用PromConsole.Graph函数显示可视化图表以外,在Console Template中还可以使用模板组件prom_query_drilldown定义一个连接直接跳转到Graph页面,并显示相应表达式的查询结果, 如下所示:

{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args "prometheus_http_response_size_bytes_bucket") }}

除了以上部分以外,我们也可以和原生Prometheus UI一样定义一个时间轴控制器,方便用户按需查询数据:


{{ template "prom_graph_timecontrol" . }}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""